622 Main Street Ste 200
Woodland, California U.S.A. 95695
September 24, 2024
The Honorable Alex Padilla
United States Senator for California
112 Hart Senate Office Building
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
The Honorable Jared Huffman
United States House of Representatives
2445 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
The Honorable John Garamendi
United States House of Representatives
2004 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
The Honorable Mike Thompson
United States House of Representatives
268 Cannon Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Re: Support for the Proposed "San Pablo National Wildlife Refuge Expansion Act"
Dear Senator Padilla and Representatives Garamendi, Huffman, and Thompson:
We write in support of the proposed "San Pablo National Wildlife Refuge Expansion Act,” which will enable the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to incorporate 6,934-acres of baylands into the San Pablo National Wildlife Refuge. Expanding the Refuge will advance the long-term health of the San Francisco North Bay’s interconnected wetland habitats. Expansion will also help FWS realize its mission “to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.”
Additionally, an expanded Refuge will help protect habitat for endangered and threatened species, including the California clapper rail, salt marsh harvest mouse, California black rail, San Pablo song sparrow, and Suisun shrew. Other species’ populations will also be supported by the expansion, including 11 fish species that swim through San Pablo Bay to reach their freshwater spawning grounds, as well as migratory shorebirds and waterfowl, including diving ducks.
Further, the proposed Act will help protect the region’s ability to provide ecosystem services. About 85 percent of the historic tidal marshes of San Pablo Bay have been altered by processes that affect the ability of the remaining tidal marshes to accept winter rainfall and purify water in the bay. These processes include hydraulic mining, salt production, water diversions, and diking, draining, and filling for agricultural and industrial uses. By authorizing FWS to expand Refuge, the Act will ensure that restoration efforts in the region, led by the Army Corp, California Coastal Commission, and others, will remain resilient for years to come.
The proposed Act will also increase opportunities for public recreation. Currently, the Refuge is an important site for hiking, bird watching, photography, hunting, and fishing. As with all National Wildlife Refuges, all federally owned land within an expanded San Pablo National Wildlife Refuge boundary would remain open to the public for outdoor recreation including hunting and fishing, where permitted.
Finally, the expansion will help meet national and state goals to protect 30% of America’s lands and waters by 2030. The Refuge currently encompasses 24,390 acres. If expanded, this acreage will increase by 28%.
As this initiative progresses, we look forward to working with you to ensure government agencies, Tribal Nations, and community groups have the resources needed to manage the interconnected wetland habitats in San Francisco’s North Bay. Thank you for your leadership in protecting America’s lands, waters, saltmarshes, and baylands for future generations.
Sandra Schubert
Executive Director
Claire Robinson
Managing Director
Amigos De Los Rios
Mike Painter
Californians for Western Wilderness
Mark Green
Executive Director
Suzanne Hume
Educational Director & Founder
Dan Silver
Executive Director
Endangered Habitats League
Josefina Barrantes
30x30 Coordinator
Paul Hughes
Executive Director
Forests Forever
Tracy Katelman
Registered Professional Forester #2483
ForEverGreen Forestry
Justin Crellin
Executive Director
Friends of the Lost Coast
Sara Husby
Executive Director
Great Old Broads for Wilderness
Daniel Rossman
California Deputy Director
The Wilderness Society
Jennifer Van Gelder
Van Gelder Biological
Kim Kolpin
Executive Director
Bolsa Chica Land Trust
Nick Jensen
Conservation Program Director
California Native Plant Society
Kimberly Baker
Executive Director
Klamath Forest Alliance
Jazzari Taylor
Policy Advocate
Latino Outdoors
Traci Pellar
Mendocino Producers Guild
Janice Kelley
Nature Detectives
Belén Bernal
Executive Director
Nature for All
Chance Cutrano
Director of Programs
Resource Renewal Institute
Juan Pablo Galvan Martinez
Senior Land Use Manager
Save Mount Diablo
Mary Elizabeth Lunetta
Conservation Campaign Strategist
Sierra Club
Bill Mott
Executive Director
The Ocean Project
Janessa Goldbeck
Vet Voice Foundation
Karin Curtis, RN
Viki von Lackum
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