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Woodland, California U.S.A. 95695
It’s all about timing: the causes and consequences of germination timing in California Jewelflowers
Please join us on January 23, 2024 at 7:00pm on Zoom for our January 2025 Nature and You lecture with speakers Dr. Julin Maloof and Dr. Jenny Gremer.
Dr. Maloof is a Professor in the Department of Plant Biology at UC Davis where his lab studies how plants respond to their environment and how these responses evolve to allow plants to adapt to different habitats. Dr. Gremer is an Associate Professor in the Department of Evolution and Ecology at UC Davis where her lab works on understanding plant responses to variable and changing environments and identifying the traits and mechanisms driving them. In their talk, they will discuss a collaboration between their lab looking at how a group of California wildflowers (Jewelflowers) respond to their environment and how they’re being impacted by climate change.
California Jewelflowers (Streptanthus and Caulanthus species) are found in many locations across the state and have adapted to a remarkably diverse range of environments. In this lecture the speakers will discuss their studies on how these species use environmental cues to time key events in their life cycle and how these responses have changed as they have diversified across the state. They will also look at whether climate change is causing a discordance between environmental cues, the impact of climate change on these species, and possible strategies for mitigating these impacts.
Please register to receive the Zoom link. The link will be sent out to all registrants on the day of the lecture. If you have any questions, please contact Geoff at gbenn@tuleyome.org.
This is a free event, however a $10 donation to help us cover our costs is appreciated. You can make a donation to our general fund here.
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