622 Main Street Ste 200
Woodland, California U.S.A. 95695
Congressmen Garamendi and Thompson introduced the Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument Expansion Act, H.R. 6366, this January. This legislation would add the Lake County portion of Walker Ridge, known as Molok Luyuk or Condor Ridge in Patwin, to Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument. It would also ensure that federally-recognized tribes can co-manage and steward the land with their federal partners if they chose and would rename the Ridge to Condor Ridge (Molok Luyuk). These historic actions honor the Ridge’s rich cultural significance. The bill will also ensure that all parties work together to develop a landscape scale management plan for the Monument. The Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument Expansion Act will preserve this irreplaceable biological and cultural hotspot.
Condor Ridge, Molok Luyuk, is a remarkable ecological treasure with commanding views of much of Northern California. The landscape supports many habitats including chaparral, grasslands, unique low-elevation forests of pine and cypress, oak woodlands, and unusual serpentine soils derived from the ancient sea floor. Molok Luyuk is one of the most important areas of rare serpentine plant habitat in the state with a long list of documented species, including the beautiful blue Indian Valley brodiaea. It is also home to imperiled wildlife such as Bald and Golden Eagles, badger, ringtail, and Peregrine Falcon among a long list of others. In addition, Molok Luyuk is a recognized wildlife migration pathway for a multitude of species, including Tule Elk, mountain lion, black bear, and bobcat. Molok Luyuk is steeped in thousands of years of rich history and is culturally significant to Native American tribes.
Yet, Condor Ridge has been under threat from industrial development for years. The latest of several proposals to place an industrial scale wind project on Molok Luyuk is before the U.S. Bureau of Land Management despite the California Energy Commission finding that Condor Ridge has low to moderate wind energy potential. Nonetheless, the completed project would result in construction of 42 industrial wind turbines, extensive road widening and grading and a new electrical tie-line, impact conservation easements, and permanently scar this unique place.
Proper management is necessary to preserve these unique lands and their resources while also ensuring continued recreation opportunities that provide an important boost to the local economy. The Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument Expansion Act, H.R. 6366, will protect this remarkable land from the industrial development that continues to threaten it and ensure the appropriate protection, restoration, and stewardship of the area.
To learn more about Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument, Molok Luyuk, and The Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument Expansion Act visit here. And stay posted for more information on how we can work together to protect these ecological and cultural treasures.
-Sandra Schubert; sschubert@tuleyome.org
Executive Director
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